CAEP Hub Rule Overview

Rules bring together Triggers and Actions. They include a single Trigger, a Criteria, and the set of Actions to fire based on the Trigger and Criteria (for now, a type of Graph Change).

Creating your First Rule

  1. From the SGNL Nav, select CAEP Hub, Rules, then Add Rule
  2. Give the Rule a Name and optionally add any Labels that maybe appropriate
  3. Select a Trigger you have already created, or click to Create a New Trigger
  4. Specify the Graph Change type that you want the trigger to fire on:
  • Matches trigger scope: This variety of Rule will fire when the Nodes, Relationships, and/or Conditions in the trigger all match at least once, a User being disabled, or being added to a group is a good example of when you might use a graph change like this
  • No longer matches scope: This variety of Rule will fire when the Nodes, Relationships, and/or conditions stop matching for one or more nodes in the graph, a great use-case for this type of rule is when an object transitions back to a known good state and you want to reverse any remedial action or simply notify a user and/or security team of the transition
  1. You’re now able to specify a set of actions to associate with the Rule – actions are tied to Protected Systems and so you require at least one Protected System to start creating Actions – you can read more about Actions in the section in Help, but for now, if you have any Protected System, you can select ‘Generic Webhook’ from Actions to insert it into the Rule
  2. You can specify a Method, Request Body, and optionally any Headers and an Address override to send the action to
  3. Once you have the required fields filled, you can save the Rule

Managing Rules

Rules can be Enabled or Disabled from the CAEP Hub Rules page. If you’re having issues with Rules or Actions that you’ve created, often the fastest path to stopping actions from failing repeatedly is to disable the Rule until you have found the issue or removed the failing action.

Rules will be marked as successful when all Actions contained therein have been completed successfully. In the event that an Action has failed, SGNL will attempt to re-run the Rule until Actions complete successfully.

Rules have exponential back-off baked in, meaning that retries initially will be rapid, slowing quickly beyond that in the hope that the downstream system will become available to complete the action.