Policy Management

Policy Management is fundamental to the SGNL Platform, enabling Administrators, Developers, and Compliance specialists to formulate and apply Policies to an organization’s most sensitive assets.

SGNL’s policy management is designed to enable policy to be easily understood across an organization and to help business owners understand who should be able to access sensitive assets, as well as who has accessed those assets.

SGNL Policies are version controlled, with each version being retained indefinitely to ease the burden of auditing and management. You’re able to independently assign different versions of policies to different integrations, to ensure you can effectively test and evaluate policies, prior to organization-wide deployment.

Policy versions are comprised of Policy Snippets, which are small, reusable parts of policy that are scoped to ensure policies remain easy to understand and use. Policy Snippets are also version controlled to simplify audit and compliance, as well as to ease the burden of change management.
