Systems of Record Templates

SoR Templates allow you to define and manage your System of Record integrations with SGNL through YAML files - one per SoR. YAML is a human-readable data serialization format commonly used for configuration files. SoR templates follow a predefined structure and allow you to define configuration/metadata, authentication mechanisms, and synchronization behavior. Moreover, you can also specify the schema for entities you would like SGNL to ingest as well as their attributes, attribute types and any relationships.

Template Structure

SoR Templates must be defined in a YAML file with each SoR defined in one YAML template.

Briefly about YAML Syntax

The YAML format uses indentation and key-value pairs to represent data in a hierarchical fashion. Each level of indentation represents a nested structure, and key-value pairs are separated by colons. Lists are represented by using a hyphen followed by a space. More information about YAML can be found in the Official YAML documentation.

The SoR templates contains the components shown with Okta as an example:

SGNL - Template YAML Structure

The SoR Template structure along with supported fields in yaml format is shown below:

# Template for SoR
# Required top-level section
displayName: string
icon: string
description: string
address: string
defaultSyncFrequency: string
defaultSyncMinInterval: integer
defaultApiCallFrequency: string 
defaultApiCallMinInterval: integer
type: string
adapterConfig: string
  - oAuth2ClientCredentials:
      clientId: string
      tokenUrl: string
      authStyle: string
      clientSecret: string
      scope: string
  - basic:
      username: string
      password: string
  - bearer: 
      authToken: string
# Section to define entities, attributes and relationships to ingest to SGNL
    displayName: string
    externalId: string
    description: string
    parent: string
    syncFrequency: string
    syncMinInterval: integer
    apiCallFrequency: string
    apiCallMinInterval: integer
    pageSize: integer
    pagesOrderedById: boolean
      - name: string
        externalId: string
        description: string
        type: string
        indexed: boolean
        uniqueId: boolean
        list: boolean
      - name: string
        externalId: string
        description: string
        type: string
        indexed: boolean
        uniqueId: boolean
        list: boolean
  # entity relationships
  - name: string
    fromAttribute: string
    toAttribue: string
  # path relationships
  - name: string
      - relationship: string
        direction: string
      - relationship: string
        direction: string

SoR Top-Level Fields

displayNameDisplay Name of the SoR used for identificationyesstringnoneSalesforce
iconBase64 encoded SVG file to be used as SoR display iconnostringnoneExample
descriptionDescription for the SoRnostringnoneSales Cloud for Department Sales
addressAPI endpoint address on which SGNL will make calls to get
defaultSyncFrequencyFrequency at which SGNL will initiate data ingestion from the SoR. Works with defaultSyncMinInterval. If you want entities to be synchronized into SGNL every hour, defaultSyncFrequency should be set to HOURLY, and defaultSyncMinInterval should be set to 1yesstring; one of SECONDLY, MINUTELY, HOURLY, DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY, YEARLYnoneHOURLY
defaultSyncMinIntervalWorks with defaultSyncFrequency. If you want entities to be synchronized into SGNL every hour, defaultSyncFrequency should be set to HOURLY, and defaultSyncMinInterval should be set to 1yesinteger11
defaultApiCallFrequencyDetermines how often SGNL makes an API call to the SoR to get individual pages of data. Works with defaultApiCallMinInterval. If you want SGNL to make an API call every second to pull a page of entity records from the SoR, set defaultApiCallFrequency to SECONDLY and defaultApiCallMinInterval to 1yesstring; one of SECONDLY, MINUTELY, HOURLY, DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY, YEARLYnoneSECONDLY
defaultApiCallMinIntervalDetermines how often SGNL makes an API call to the SoR to get individual pages of data. Works with defaultApiCallMinInterval. If you want SGNL to make an API call every second to pull a page of entity records from the SoR, set defaultApiCallFrequency to SECONDLY and defaultApiCallMinInterval to 1yesinteger11
typeSystem of Record type. Adapters are configured/implemented to use particular System of Record types. SoR types are based on the SoR API version being used in the adapter, the supported authentication mechanisms, and entities and attributes supported in the adapter.yesstringnoneJira-1.0.0
adapterConfigBase64 encoded JSON string. The JSON can include any config that is useful for the adapter. For instance, it may contain specifics about SoR resource endpoints, proxy information, SoR version information, address to a central logging service, or any other information that is pertinent to the SoR and adapter.yesstringnoneExample

SoR Auth Fields

authAuthentication schemes that are applicable for this SoRyeslistnone

oAuth2 Client Credentials Flow

oAuth2ClientCredentialsOAuth2 Client Credentials Flow Parametersobjectnone
oAuth2ClientCredentials: clientIdOAuth2 ClientIDyesstringnone
oAuth2ClientCredentials: clientSecretOAuth2 Client Secretyesstringnone
oAuth2ClientCredentials: authStyleSpecify how the token is sent for authenticationyesstring; one of InParams, InBody, AutoDetectnone
oAuth2ClientCredentials: tokenUrlOAuth2 Token URLyesstringnone
oAuth2ClientCredentials: scopeOAuth2 Scopenostringnone

Basic Authentication

basicBasic authenticationobjectnone
basic: usernameUsernameyesstring
basic: passwordPasswordyesstring

Bearer Token Authentication

bearerBearer token authenticationobjectnone
bearer: authTokenAuth Tokenstring

SoR Entities

SGNL integrates with various Systems of Record to ingest data that is necessary to build policies and make access decisions. In SGNL, each data type that is ingested is called an Entity. For instance, Users and Cases in ServiceNow or Jira are each an entity in SGNL. The fields in each entity are called Attributes. SGNL allows you to build policies and make access decisions based on Entity/Attribute values.

For more information on SoR Relationships, please check out the Entities and Relationships Explainer.

In the SoR YAML template, each entity is a separate object under the top-level entities field and is keyed by the entity name. For example, EntityName1 as shown in the SoR Template Structure section. The fields are listed below:

displayNameDisplay name of the EntityyesstringnoneUser
externalIdActual entity name in the SoR. The displayName can be different from the externalId. This allows us to have a user friendly/readable displayName that may be used in policies.yesstringnoneUser
descriptionDescription of the entitynostringnoneUser entity for Salesforce
parentExternal ID of the Parent Entity. For more details, please refer to our Entities and Relationships documentation.nostringnoneGroup
syncFrequencyFrequency at which SGNL will initiate data ingestion from the SoR for the entity. Works with syncMinInterval. If you want entities to be synchronized into SGNL every hour, syncFrequency should be set to HOURLY, and syncMinInterval should be set to 1. Overrides defaultSyncFrequency, if set.nostring; one of SECONDLY, MINUTELY, HOURLY, DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY, YEARLYnoneHOURLY
syncMinIntervalWorks with syncFrequency. If you want entities to be synchronized into SGNL every hour, syncFrequency should be set to HOURLY, and syncMinInterval should be set to 1. Overrides defaultSyncMinInterval, if set.nointeger11
apiCallFrequencyDetermines how often SGNL makes an API call to the SoR to get individual pages of data for the entity. Works with apiCallMinInterval. If you want SGNL to make an API call every second to pull a page of entity records from the SoR, set apiCallFrequency to SECONDLY and apiCallMinInterval to 1. Overrides defaultApiCallFrequency, if set.nostring; one of SECONDLY, MINUTELY, HOURLY, DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY, YEARLYnoneHOURLY
apiCallMinIntervalDetermines how often SGNL makes an API call to the SoR to get individual pages of data. Works with apiCallMinInterval. If you want SGNL to make an API call every second to pull a page of entity records from the SoR, set apiCallFrequency to SECONDLY and apiCallMinInterval to 1. Overrides defaultApiCallMinInterva, if setnointeger11
pageSizeThe number of records that the SoR should return per page or API callnointeger1001000
pagesOrderedByIdBoolean to indicate whether the SoR returns the data ordered by the ID that is unique and indexedyesbooleannonefalse
Parent and Child Entities

SoR Entity Attributes Fields

Every entity has a set of attributes. Each attribute is listed as a separate YAML object under the entities:attributes object as shown in the SoR Template Structure section.

nameName of the attributeyesstringnoneuserId
externalIdActual name of the attribute in the SoR. The displayName can be different from the externalId. This allows us to have a user friendly/readable displayName for the attribute that may be used in policies. Note: The externalId can be specified in terms of a JSONPath as well. Please see section on JSONPath for External IDs section for more details.yesstringnoneid
descriptionDescription of the attributenostringnoneUser ID
typeData type of the attributeyesstring; one of Bool, DateTime, Double, Duration, Int64, StringnoneInt64
indexedWhether the attribute must be indexed in the SGNL Graph. If the attribute is going to be used in policies, or is referred to in relationships, indexed MUST be set to truenobooleanfalsefalse
uniqueIdWhether the attribute is unique. There must be EXACTLY ONE attribute in the entity that is unique. The attribute MUST also have indexed set to true, if unique is set to true.nobooleanfalsefalse
listWhether the attribute is a listnobooleanfalsefalse

JSONPath for External IDs

Some Systems of Record’s APIs return complex JSON data with multiple nestings. In such cases, you might want to refer to specific fields within the deeply nested JSON objects and ingest those fields as attributes to base your SGNL policies on.

For example, Jira Issues Search API sends a response as shown here. If one of the attributes for the Issue entity is author, and you want to set the value of author to the accountId, set name to author, and externalId to a JSONPath to extract the value of the accountId.

For this particular JSON structure, the accountId field appears within an array structure under the issues key. Since SGNL processes each JSON object in the array separately, to retrieve this value, the JSONPath expression would not have to navigate through the issues array, and refer to the relevant object directly. Given that each issue might have different sections containing an accountId field (like comments and worklogs), you need to specify the correct path. For the example case, the JSONPath expression would be something like $.fields.comment[*].author.accountId

It’s important to adjust the JSONPath expression based on the exact structure of your JSON and the location of the author field within it.

SoR Relationships

SGNL integrates with various Systems of Record to ingest data that is necessary to build policies and make access decisions. In most cases, there are relationships between data belonging to the same or different Systems of Record. SGNL allows you to build policies and make access decisions based on these relationships as well.

In the SoR YAML template, you can list the relationships under the top-level relationships section. There are two kinds of relationships that may be defined:

  1. Entity Relationships
  2. Path Relationships

Entity Relationships

Entity Relationship Fields

nameRelationship name. Does not have to be unique.yesstringnone
fromAttributeSource Attribute in an EntityyesstringnoneGroupMember.memberId
toAttributeTarget Attribute in an EntityyesstringnoneUser.userId

Note: fromAttribute and toAttribute may belong to different entities.

Entity Relationships Reference Syntax:

The SGNL SoR YAML schema is flexible enough to allow you to reference attributes by name. The syntax uses a Dot notation to reference a specific attribute like so:

<Entity External ID>.<Attribute External ID>

For example, in the following YAML template snippet,

    displayName: UserEntity
    externalId: User
      - name: username
        externalId: username
      - name: email
        externalId: email_id

To reference the email attribute in the UserEntity, specify it as User.email_id.

Path Relationships

Path Relationship Fields

namePath relationship nameyesstringnone
pathContains a list of objects (relationships and directions)yeslistnone
relationshipName of the entity relationship. The YAML key is used instead of the relationship nameyesstringnoneGroupMember
directionDirection of the relationship traversalyesString; one of FORWARD, BACKWARDnoneFORWARD

Parent Relationships

Parent Relationship Fields

childEntityExternal ID of the Child Entityyesstringnone

In the following example YAML, UserMemberGroup is a path relationship that defines a path from User entity to Group entity. Note that the relationship values refer to the YAML key names and not the entity relationship name fields. For more information on Path relationships, please refer to our Entities and Relationships documentation.

    name: Member
    fromAttribute: GroupMember.memberId
    name: MemberOf
    fromAttribute: GroupMember.groupId
    name: Group
      - relationship: UserMember
        direction: Backward
      - relationship: MemberOf
        direction: Forward

More on Templates in SGNL

For more information on how Templates are used to manage your Systems of Record in SGNL, watch the video below.